Saturday, June 23, 2007

Rules for trying to get someone hooked on your favorite TV show

Can you believe it? They actually don't watch it. You have told them like 20 times how good it is. You have given your own personal guarantee that it is the best show they will ever see in their entire lives. And they still won't watch it. You're getting desperate - but follow these rules to not be a JackAss.

1. Don't recite the entire first episode for them.

I know you want to tell them all about the plane crash on Lost - but you trying to describe the million dollar set and following up each quote with "But he's got this look on his face" will only make them not want to watch the show even more.

2. Don't ever say "I don't want to ruin it for you, but I have to tell you this one thing."

You are ruining it for them.

3. Never ask them if they are planning on watching it.

"So there was this one part - wait - are you planning on watching it?" First of all, they are going to say yes for the simple fact they want you to shut the hell up. Secondly, you are going to tell them anyway even though they don't want you to. That makes you a double JackAss.

4. After recommending the show once - never do so again.

One shot - that's all you get. Keep hounding someone to watch your show and they will feel like its a job. Ask once and drop until they bring it up to you.

5. If you are in a group with people discussing the show - don't rat out the guy who doesn't watch it.

"oh - don't say anything more - Jeff here is a loser and doesn't watch Amazing Race". That may be good for a few dropped jaws and "are you serious?" remarks - but in the end - you're just a jackass.

Think I missed one? Leave a comment!

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